We recognize that one of the important functions of the Disabled American Veterans and its Auxiliary is to influence legislation favorable to the needs of its members.
Below is a link to national legislation from the DAV national web site, www.dav.org/membership/documents. Then click on Legislative for a current list of Legislative Bulletin.
For Minnesota state legislative affairs go to www.leg.state.mn.us. You will find how to contact your legislator and you can search by keywords and phrases.
Minnesota Senators:
Al Franken, 309 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Amy Klobuchar, 302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Linda McDonald, Legislative Liaison
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Direct 651-757-1540 |Cell 651-285-7956 |Fax 651-757-1534
20 West 12th Street, 2nd Floor | St. Paul, MN 55155
www.minnesotaveteran.org www.mdva.state.mn.us